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The Timeless Gift of Grief 💔

A raw, honest look at the beauty hidden in life’s most profound losses.

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I have something to share with you today, and though it may sound very sad, please bear with me.

This morning, as I was sipping my coffee and scrolling my socials, I came across a video of a woman saying goodbye to her dog before the dog had to be put down. The dog seemed to know they were saying goodbye and kept hugging her.

This immediately caused a wellspring of grief I carry deep inside to come bursting to the surface as I remembered my own experience similar to this with my precious dog over eight years ago.

It's been eight years, and yet, when I think of her and how much I miss her, that deep love and deep grief tucked away in my heart comes rushing through my entire being like it was yesterday.

And, whenever this happens, my response is to let it flow - let it flow and be felt and embodied and to feel so very grateful.

I'm grateful for the grief I've experienced, and continue to experience, in life, because the depth of that grief is a direct reflection of the depth of the love I feel.

Every time I experience grief, it cracks my heart open a little bit more, and when those cracks are embraced and I let the grief flow, it expands my heart - expands my ability to allow love to flow freely, as well.

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I found the more I tried to resist grief, the more I tried to contain it - the more my heart was closed off from expansion, and the natural flow of divine love.

I've come to understand that grief is a beautiful part of the richness of life, the gift of being human and having the ability to fully embody a vast spectrum of emotion that allows my Soul to grow and evolve in a way that nothing else could.

Everything we hold dear is both a gift and a fleeting moment - and brings with it, the deep timeless grief of impermanence. This is the price of truly living - of daring to love, to dream, to witness the beauty of life even as it fades.

And this is the gift of grief. The opportunity to expand, to evolve, to live even more boldly, love even more deeply.

True grief is not something that you "get over". It's the echo of love that lingers in your heart. A vast ocean of longing that cannot be crossed. A yearning that pours itself into the cracks of your soul, reshaping who you are.

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It's something you carry with you, and experience again and again and again as life presents you with new opportunities to allow those cracks to expand your heart a little bit more. And a little bit more.

It does not demand to be fixed, only felt - a sacred, raw testament to the profound gift of having loved and been loved in return.

As painful as it is, my grief speaks to the depth of my connection to life - a reverence and recognition that all things in life, even loss, are sacred. It's an invitation to cherish what is, even as I release what was.

It's a reminder that nothing is really gone, only transformed.

What are your thoughts on this part of the human experience? How has grief touched your life and shaped your journey?

From the desk of Neelou Saleh Spirit of Lotus

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The Timeless Gift of Grief


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"I’ve been running my holistic healing practice for 13 years as an energy healer, Akashic Soul reader, and body worker, with over 20 years as a women’s circle facilitator. I’ve helped thousands of lovely souls make breakthroughs in their healing on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. 


I support Soul-seekers who feel emotionally overwhelmed, spiritually confused, and trapped in unhealthy patterns. My passion is guiding them to not only address the root of deep Soul wounds but also reclaim their worth and rise above limitations."

~Neelou Saleh
Founder of Spirit of Lotus

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