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Hydration Rituals: The Blue Star Water Blessing

A blessing to bring your drinking water to the highest frequency.

“The memory of life arrived on this earth carried by the soul of water. From this memory, life awoke, the human being emerged...”

~ Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water

Water is one of the five elements of nature, and an essential component of life itself. It is the element of our deep emotions and balance.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, who did many experiments on the effect of frequencies on water, believed that chronic dehydration is the most common cause of disease in humans. In fact, a survey done by New York Hospital and Cornell Medical Center suggests that as much as 75% of the US population exists in a state of chronic dehydration.

Despite water being revered and valued throughout human history - all early civilizations were built around water sources, of course, and rain frequently prayed for - it's often an afterthought by many in modern day society as they go about their busy days.

I get it - between the meetings, doctor and dentist appointments, grocery shopping, soccer games and piano lessons - making sure you've downed enough water to ensure deep hydration in every cell of your body might not make it very high on the list.

And yet it is one of the simplest and most powerful acts of self care you can do, as well as one of the most important.

I personally carry a blue water bottle around with me all day, and drink from it consistently. I know more and more people are doing so these days, which is wonderful.

But, more than that, every time I fill up my water bottle, or glass, or whatever receptacle, I give my water a quick, but powerful blessing to bring it to the highest frequency - the frequency of Divine Love.

The blessing is simple: "I bless this water with the Blue Star of I Am Consciousness."

I like to follow that up with "I love you. I love you. I love you."

It might seem silly, telling my water "I love you", but it's true. I do. It keeps me alive and thriving, so I appreciate and love it dearly.

I can instantly feel the loving vibration from the water in return.

I asked my guides about the Blue Star of I Am Consciousness, because I wanted to know - if they want me to bless my water this way, what exactly is that?

And what they explained to me is this:

"I Am Consciousness is the creator consciousness, stated in such a way that acknowledges that you ARE OF that consciousness and you ARE that consciousness - that which resonates to pure Divine Love.

The Blue Star acts as a portal that amplifies that frequency and directs it towards your intent.

And so, by stating the blessing in this way, you are acknowledging that you are of Divine Love Creator Consciousness and have authority to call upon it directly for a blessing, while the Blue Star assists in directing your intent.

Thereby, infusing the frequency of Divine Love into that which you are blessing."

And so, I always bless my water in this way.

I hope this inspires you to bless yourself with more hydration, and if you feel called, give your water a blessing, and a little love, too.

Do you have any hydration rituals that inspire you? I'd love to hear about it!


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From the desk of Neelou Saleh

Spirit of Lotus

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